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Individual Counseling

Individual counseling is available for students who can benefit from extra assistance outside of the classroom. The goal of this school-based counseling is to help children with issues that may be interfering with their learning in school.

School counseling is designed to be developmental and preventative in nature. It is conducted on a limited, short-term basis. If long-term counseling is required, referral resources will be suggested.

Students may be referred to the school counselor by parents, teachers, or other school staff. A student may also self-refer to see the school counselor.  You may send the counselor a referral by using the link on this page, all referrals are confidential.

Image by Thomas Verbruggen

Have a Sticky Situation?

Group Counseling

Group counseling is available for all students and beneficial for those that are experiencing similar difficulties. Through this collaborative environment, students share struggles with each other and build positive coping skills and mechanism to deal with future issues.

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